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The Manyatta Project

The Manyatta Project began as an experiment:  What if we put a library inside a traditional Maasai manyatta (village), where the homes are made of earth and have no power or light?

In 2022, we launched the experiment by building a small library in the manyatta of Ololchura, near Sekenani, establishing the first study center inside one of these villages. With the blessing of the elders, we built it simply out of iron sheets with concrete floor and curtains made from Maasai shukas (shawls). A plug-and-play solar on top provides power for lighting, making this the only lit structure in its village. Our question was quickly answered, as the Manyatta Library was wildly popular from the start.


Today, this small library is full of children day and evening, and like all good libraries has become a gathering place with a preschool class (another first), and with the elders using it to manage village affairs, share indigenous knowledge, and hold storytelling nights. Since opening the library, we've added a community water filter and, at the elder's request, are planning to expand the center in 2025 with rainwater harvesting and more space for community gatherings.

We launched a 2nd Manyatta Library in April 2024 in the village near the Ol Chorro White Rhino Sanctuary. This video gives a glimpse of both libraries (with our thanks to Sahya Haria).

1st Days of the Ololchura Manyatta Library

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